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Institute of Computer Education

We make Some Different For Your Bright Future !

An "ISO 9001 : 2015 certified" Institute

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing -- that's why we recommend it daily."


Today's era is the digital age. In today's time we have become almost completely dependent on computers. No work is possible nowadays without computers, whether it is in companies, in schools, in colleges, in hospitals, in railway stations. At the airport, at the police stations, at the government offices, at every place, the computer is playing a compulsory role at almost all places.

In today's time, it has become very important that we have knowledge of computers, the future generation will be based on computers, so today we all need to have knowledge of computers. Institute of Computer Education is acquiring knowledge about various information and technology.

Institute of Computer Education auspicious beginning of this year was about 5 years ago. The institute was then in a room of about 200 square feet but today the institute has more than 20 branches spread all over Uttar Pradesh and is playing the role of awakening the youth of rural areas and imparting computer education to them.

Today this institution is in the forefront of providing education to about 3000 students, after getting education from here, children start their career. Make a career in various fields. Government non-government makes its reach everywhere. So let's join us. Together we all play an important role in making India a Digital India.

ICE ACADEMY अर्थात Institute of Computer Education वेल्फेयर सोसाइटी द्वारा संचालित तथा उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त तथा ISO द्वारा CERTIFIED कम्प्यूटर प्रशिक्षण केन्द्र है। ICE का मुख्यालय जल निगम मार्ग, बालागंज, लखनऊ में है। ICE Welfare Society शिक्षा के कई क्षेत्रों जैसे कम्प्यूटर, साफ्टवेयर इंजीनियरिंग, हार्डवेयर इंजीनियरिंग, मोबाईल रिपेयरिंग, कम्पटीशन, कौशल विकास, एकैडमिक शिक्षा, खेलकूद तथा भाषा कौशल जैसे हिन्दी या अंग्रेजी बोलना आदि में मार्गदर्शक की भूमिका बहुत ही विश्वसनीयता से निभाने में अग्रसर है।


Mohit Sharma (Managing Director)

हमारी शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता को निम्न द्वारा प्रमाणपत्र प्राप्त हैं-


Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (M/o MSME)


ICE ACADEMY अर्थात Institute of Computer Education वेल्फेयर सोसाइटी द्वारा संचालित तथा ISO 9001 : 2015 द्वारा CERTIFIED कम्प्यूटर प्रशिक्षण केन्द्र है।


हमारा उद्देश्य नयी युवा पीढ़ी को माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी द्वारा चलाई जा रही डिजिटल इण्डिया मिशन की तर्ज पर डिजिटल शिक्षा देना है, जिससे हमारी नयी युवा पीढ़ी सभी प्रकार से डिजिटल का अर्थ समझने के साथ साथ एक नये डिजिटल युग का निर्माण कर सकें। आज के डिजिटल युग में मनोरंजन व बैंकिंग से ले कर व्यापार, व्यवसाय और यहाॅ तक कि घर में नित्य उपयोग हेतु हमें डिजिटल होना अति आवश्यक हो चुका है। दिन प्रतिदिन नये आविष्कार हो रहे हैं। इन्फार्मेशन टेक्नोलॉजी दिन-प्रतिदिन हमारे जीवन का हिस्सा बन रहा है। अतः आइए हमारे साथ हम नयी युवा पीढ़ी को शिक्षित करने के साथ ही कुछ नया हुनर देने के लिए प्रतिज्ञाबद्ध हैं, जिससे वह अपने व्यक्तित्व को संवारने के साथ-साथ रोजी-रोटी कमा सके।

कमेटी सदस्य:

SR Name Designation
01 अरुण कुमार शर्मा अध्यक्ष
02 मोहित शर्मा प्रबंधक
03 कल्पना शर्मा कोषाध्यक्ष
04 शिवकुमार मुख्य सचिव
05 राम शरण सदस्य
06 अनमोल शर्मा उप प्रबंधक
07 अंजली सदस्य
08 Amit Sharma सदस्य
09 Nirmal Chaurasiya सदस्य
10 Naincy Sharma सदस्य
11 Sumit Sharma सदस्य
12 ShivPoojan Sharma सदस्य

Our Team


Arun Sharma


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Mohit Sharma


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Anmol Sharma


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Kalpana Sharma


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Sneha Yadav

Academic Co-Ordinator

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Minakshi Gupta

Software Co-Ordinator

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Anshika Shukla

Hardware Trainer

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Farman Haidar

Tally Co-Ordinator

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Sumit Sharma


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Sumit Sharma

ब्रान्च मैनेजर कोथावां

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Sumit Sharma

ब्रान्च मैनेजर भरावन

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Manoj Maurya

ब्रान्च मैनेजर मलिहाबाद

Lakshya Computer Institute
Station Road, Malihabad, Lucknow.



Sumit Sharma

ब्रान्च मैनेजर कानपुर

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Sumit Sharma

ब्रान्च मैनेजर बालामऊ

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Sumit Sharma

ब्रान्च मैनेजर अतरौली

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Our Branches

SR Branch Name Address Helpline
01 Institute of Computer Education Station Road, Rahimabad Lucknow UP. +918948240010
02 HiiT Upper Side Bank Of Baroda, Sandila, Hardoi UP. +919151492909
03 Lakshya Institute of Computer Education Station Road Malihabad, Lucknow. +919621912310
04 Bala Ji Institute of Computer Education Bharawan Hardoi UP. +918090702024
05 Adarsh Institute of Computer Education Kothawan, Sandila,Hardoi UP +919451672813
06 Institute of Computer Education Chakar Kati, Kanpur Nagar, UP, India. +918173908053
07 Institute of Computer Education Station Road Balamau, Hardoi UP. +918090702024
08 Institute of Computer Education Kanpur Road Bilhaur, Kanpur Nagar, UP. +919151492909
09 Institute of Computer Education Lakhimpur Road Naipalapur, Sitapur, UP. +919151492909

Student's Thought

  • “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” — Ajay Yadav

  • “Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.” — Neha Yadav

  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Rakhi Pal

  • “Make each day your masterpiece.” – Rohit Kumar

  • “There are well Educated Team in ICE for Students support. Thank You ICE !” – Amit Kumar

  • “It is my Dream's Institute. Nice Place for Computer Education” – Km Madhuri

  • “I like All Staff and all type's of study material.” – Jyoti Devi

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    @ All Rights Reserved
    Developed by Mohit Sharma, Sandila
    Email: admin@iceindia.rf.gd
    Helpline: +918090702024
    Other Website: www.myiceindia.org
    Head Office
    Rahimabad, Lucknow (India) Helpline: +918948240010
    Reg. Office Sandila Hardoi Contact: +919151492909

    @ Privacy Policy Home Contact: +918090702024, Email: iitmrmd@gmail.com